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Journal article

A submitted manuscript is the official record and culmination of your hard work. A well-written article will enable reviewers and readers to clearly understand your ideas and findings. Every manuscript should provide answers the following questions:

  1. What question are the authors attempting to answer? What is its broader context?
  2. What approach (methodology, experimental techniques) did they apply? How does it differ from those in earlier publications?
  3. What results did they obtain? How confident are the authors about them?
  4. How does the newly obtained knowledge change the understanding of the adressed problem, in broader context of the field?
  5. What are the new questions arising from the conclusions? What work should be done next to advance the field further?

Manuscript structure

Please keep in mind that the submitted manuscript has to be formatted according to the JASB manuscript template or similar one in LATEX (Overleaf).  It should be structured into the following sections:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Experimental details/Methodology
  • Results
  • Analysis/Discussion (may be joined into Results and Discussion)
  • Conclusion/Summary
  • Acknowledgement
  • Bibliography
  • Supplementary Materials (optional)
Some Tips
Title and Abstract

An easy-to-read title and a concise abstract are critical to your work getting found and read. Search engines use keywords from these sections to index and list your article. The reader will judge the relevance of an article for their research and studies by its title and abstract. Therefore, state your objectives clearly, put them into context of current knowledge, outline your key findings and their novelty, and highlight the value of your contribution.


In this section, you describe the current state of the art in the research field to provide context for your work and to show how it builds upon previous contributions by others.

Results and Discussion

Present your results in a concise yet informative way. You should only include the figures, graphs, and tables necessary to support your analysis and conclusions. Additional resources can be moved into the Supplementary Materials.


Conclusion should not be a repetition of the abstract. Instead, it brings the final statements of your work. Discuss the major findings with key pieces of evidence and their impact on the field, and provide insight into future research directions that will advance your work.


Please do follow the instructions in the JASB manuscript template. Reference management software (see comparison here) can be highly useful for formatting your manuscript. All submissions must include a zip file containing the bibtex files (.bib) of the used references. Bibtex files can be downloaded from the publisher website, using reference manager (Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote,..) or created manually using website.