Call for papers: Third regular issue

Message from the Editorial board

We are pleased to annouce the open call for papers for the upcoming third issue of The Journal of the Alumniscientiae Bohemicae Society (JASB). Second issue will be published in several upcoming weeks with articles denoted to physics, mathematics and economy. You can also follow the ASAP (As Soon As Publishable) page for recent updates.

The Journal of the ASB Society (JASB) is a pioneering publication set up to provide exclusivelyundergraduate, young professionals and high school students the opportunity to gain experience in scientificwriting. It not only aims to alleviate the first contact hurdle with publishing pressure, but also to encourage and most importantly promote outstanding research by younger scientists. Another opportunity for submittees is to encounter proper writing form early on. All of this effectively leads to the simplification of possible futureendeavors in impacted journals.

This upcoming third issue will have a broad  focus across the topics from different scientific fields. All submissionswill be published free of charge.


Editor-in-Chief: Jan Hrabovsky

Institute of Physics Czech Academy of Sciences; IoP, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague


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